Things I was thankful for in March:

- when the light turns green right before you hit the end of the sidewalk to start crossing
- Amir for saying hi to me or else I would never have realized we were in the same discussion section
- remembering my resolution to be sincere, be dorkily earnest
- that the guys who lived in this room 3 years ago dropped by, and that the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling were already there when they moved in
- Marc and Elizabeth for distracting Amman so we could ambush his room a la The Office (sorry, I don't watch, so I don't where to link to the episode...)
- Kim for thinking of The Office, Bryan for his fantastically ugly semi-inflated balloons, and Mariah for her amazing gift-wrapping skills
- Kim for deciding to make her gift to Amman from everyone who ever existed on this floor
- reading the wrong article for ESPM and then getting the luck of the draw during discussion and being assigned jury, which meant I only had to ask questions, not provide an argument
- making fun of Daniel with Jessie
- Billy Elliot (I kind of love this kid.)
- Michael when he was reading through my scripts, because he did voices and everything
- Bryan saying, "I just passed like five people from our floor!" to which I responded, "Sorry," to which he added, "But you're my favorite." Love you too.
- I never thought I would say it, but Seward
- Cafe Colucci and Ethiopian food
- getting fliered by a Men's Octet man
- wedding stories from my grandmother, while we were trying to polish an old necklace
- Amélie
- closing the window right before the wind turned and blew rain toward our side of the building
- FaceBook mini-feed clogging
- seeing people come back from Holi celebrations
- that call from Ching about play submissions
- Amir for asking if I wanted to study for our Logic midterm with him (and his cute friend!)
- that I thought to myself, "Hey, that guy's accent sounds just like Amir's," while walking, only to turn around when I heard, "Oh, hi, Samantha" from Amir
- ridiculousness, ridiculosity, being redic
- garlic naan
- figuring out how to put eyeliner on my waterline
- Amir's friend... who is cute
- Ben, because I still have a fatty crush on him and would like to be him when I grow up (...male, black and Japanese, and epicly cool)
- my brother and cousin for picking me up and loving Crossroads food
- Rabbids on the Wii

- in general, Amman, who has appeared a (possible?) record 22/31 times on my daily lists this month (possible, if I don't count food in general)
- the poo song from Scrubs and my brother singing it
- music that can make you feel happy like an old time movie
- pho, the bike racks, Kristine and her boy, C. O. Bigelow's Mentha Lip Shine, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, piano, and the thought of learning a new language
- unagi
- that call from Victoria!
- the guy at the post office who let my mom and me renew our passports without an appointment
- Spring Awakening music
- Twilight, Kristen Stewart, and whoever plays Jasper
- Midnight Sun
- waking up in my dorm
- Lincoln for inflating my Facebook photo count