(50ml+ mini parfum +100ml lotion n bath)
Metrojaya warehouse sale!!
(50ml+ mini parfum +100ml lotion n bath)

(photographic equipment) (drop a deuce)

(large block of text)
via noliesjustlove via thereluctantbuddha

better late than never?
I have been told many times that if I have nothing nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all, so I won't mention anything except...
I approve of the wardrobe, and I approve of James McAvoy.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm supposed have gone to bed 2 minutes ago.
LEON TALLIS: What do you say, Cee? Does the hot weather make you behave badly? Good heavens, you're blushing.
CECILIA TALLIS: Just hot in here, that's all.
(via imdb)

rabbit food

actually, I really dig the oxfords

(By the way, the US official website sucks. Try the Austalian one.)
Furthermore, even if all the products are made of the same material and can, therefore, be easily recycled, who the hell recycles their shoes? Where? I think it's a nice concept, but wouldn't it make more sense to not use plastic in the first place? How about plant-based materials, guys? How about shoes that don't wear out so quickly? How about we wear the crap out of our shoes before throwing them away? How about the best option - wait for it - shopping vintage?

Dear Ladies,
The early end of this week has been wretchedly hot (for Berkeley), and it took me until Tuesday to give up my skinny jeans and pull on a tiny pair of only semi-opaque shorts even just to loll in my room. Since I am of delicate constitution and possess a bladder the size of Luxembourg (assume this metaphor in a world of Russian and Canadian bladders), I inevitably had to evacuate my bladder (Invaders from the North! Women and children first!), which meant passing by the floor-length mirror in the hallway.
Holy crap. I am a stick compared to my mental image of myself.
Dear Ladies,
Please don't give your thighs of all body parts a hard time, because your perspective is skewed.
via Lincoln, added without permission:
"it wasn't until I saw pictures of me on a bike that I realized that my thighs aren't giganto"

(5 minutes ago)
"College is easier than Lowell if you put in the same amount of work despite not having the pressure of deadlines. I guess that's what they meant when they said it was easier."
Remember, kids: Surround yourself with smart people.

why you even set my world into motion
I just realized this song is vaguely romantic. Whoops. Obviously I listen very closely to lyrics.
Time to BS my way through yet another Environmental Science class!

One For One
But for some inexplicable reason, I totally do.

kernels of wisdom
"LA seems big, bad, and scary. you know what? to be perfectly honest, i felt more comfortable at berkeley than at LA. LA got me more excited. Is college a marriage or a one-night stand?"
Perhaps Connie will remember the prom date/college choice analogies we made, and how it didn't play out the way anyone anticipated. (Dear Boys, I am sorry I likened you to colleges and one-night stands.) But the more time passes, the less I think I should have gone to UCLA. Here is a visual:

With the help of Sunshine and floob, I also decided that
"No pants is a dangerous dress code."
as evidenced by this Venn diagram.
This time last year, I was also quoting smart girls like Jessie.
"I realized that no matter how independently I live my life, I can't be who I am without them. It's a very long rope. But we choose to hold on to it."
And I choose to hold on to it.

calamity physics

I pretty much just SOILED MY PANTS
Anyway, HARRY POTTER TRAILER. New and improved with even more EPIC than ever before!

this should be illegal

A story like mine should never be told.
You may be flat. You may look a little manly. You may have hurt me the first few times we went out. And you may be a little dull at times. But I know our love
When the cobbler told me that a full repair for you would cost more than ten times your original price, I knew this couldn't last forever. We're just not meant to be.
I might be looking for another pair of oxfords, but they'll never really replace you. You were my first, and I will never stop loving you.
Love always,

I must admit,

still missing the long jacket

this is the way I need to wake (I wake to you)
I finished Everything Is Illuminated.
Things you should read:
- I am not a recessionista via Painfully Hip
- Connie Wang does crop top! with truly sickening elegance. I am plagued with envy.
- [ETA: Ten Most Difficult Words to Translate, including cafuné, "[f]rom Brazilian Portuguese, meaning to tenderly run one's fingers through someone's hair."]
Here, I will give you pictures of Tater when he was little.


too close for comfort
- people who get uglier the more you look at them and get to know them
- people who get better-looking the more you look at them and get to know them
- that I just completed this mental exercise and could not think of one person I want to meet
- that I still don't know what classes I'm taking next semester
- that I feel like "You breathe oxygen? We have so much in common."
- that according to my expense sheet for 2009, I am $223 in the red
- that I am already prepared to call Jonathan Safran Foer one of my favorite authors, without having finished any of his books
- that I am already prepared to call Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and Everything Is Illuminated two of my favorite books of all time, despite not having finished either of them
- that Marc was awake at 12:40 AM
- that I can't think of any item of clothing I feel compelled to buy

No Poo (Week 1)
Day 1 (Cleaning Day): Wow, I have a lot of dandruff. Guess I don’t massage my scalp very well very often. The baking soda removed grease surprisingly well and didn’t leave that squeaky hair feeling like shampoo does. I don't know if that's a good thing. Lemon juice doesn’t seem to be doing much, but we’ll see. Hair dried faster than usual, though. But I don’t smell like lemons, probably because the solution was so diluted.
Day 2: Hair has a really strange texture. Almost like it’s brittle, but it definitely isn’t. Just… a good kind of dry. Clean dry.
Day 3: Feels like it’s going to grease up at the roots by tomorrow, as my hair has been prone to doing lately (probably because I’ve been blow-drying instead of air-drying). You know what I mean? When my hair doesn’t move like a curtain but little sections are sticking together. It’s not greasy yet, just on its way. Perhaps because I was REALLY SWEATY today. (See below.)
Day 4: Wow, wow, wow. The actual strands of my hair have not felt this soft since pre-puberty. I am not exaggerating. Brushed with a brush spritzed with some cheap honeysuckle eau de toilette because while I couldn’t smell any sweat on my hair, the smell of plain hair is blah. Roots starting to look a little greasy. Just a little. At my part. PM update: Oh, my hair is GREASY. Well, it’s the sort of greasy that Every-Other-Day-Washing Me would have experienced. Not like overwhelmingly greasy, but it is overwhelmingly greasy for what is only Day 4. Getting stringy clumps in the front. The part’s not looking too bad, though. Other than that, my hair is ridiculously soft, and I brushed it a million times to try to work the grease from the front to the ends. No luck. But my hair is very scarily shiny. PM update 2: Oh my GOD my hair is SO GREASY. I can make it look relatively ungreasy by brushing, but it starts to clump soon after. And… if I run my fingers through my hair, they come off a little slick. (See below.)
Day 5: Hair being strange. Part is redic greasy and ends are verging on frizzy, for the first time in my life. Perhaps because it has been in a bun the whole day.
Day 6 (Cleaning Day): Hair not feeling so soft for some reason, or maybe it’s sensory adaptation. In any case I decided that the fact that I had no flyaways because my hair was so greasy at the part that everything stuck together was enough justification to break my once-a-week hair wash. So I got some baking soda and lemon juice, eyeballed a tablespoon in separate containers, and mixed with a cup of water (ish). And then scrubbed, and once again, my hair has dried incredibly fast, the strands are softer than I am used to, my head feels really clean… and my scalp is really massaged. By virtue of the baking soda needing to be really worked in, not just slapped on top and lathered. Although. One really good part about my pre-wash hair was that it held texture really well. But the greasy part was not worth waiting ‘til Saturday. (See greasy, dandruff-encrusted scalp below.)
Day 7: My hair’s feeling a little dry, but it’s still soft. That’s possible, right? It’s only in comparison to how soft it’s been feeling lately. This is definitely softer than pre-no-poo. (That looks ridiculous. I should stop making up words) PM update: DRY DRY DRY my hair feels so DRY and not SMOOTH. Maybe less baking soda next time. I’m under the impression that I can’t continue baking soda indefinitely because it’s kind of harsh. Hm… Dilemma… PM update 2: Now the rest of my hair is starting to soften up again, but the roots still look baked dry. They feel fine. Just kind of brittle-looking. Which is not a good look.