- people who get uglier the more you look at them and get to know them
- people who get better-looking the more you look at them and get to know them
- that I just completed this mental exercise and could not think of one person I want to meet
- that I still don't know what classes I'm taking next semester
- that I feel like "You breathe oxygen? We have so much in common."
- that according to my expense sheet for 2009, I am $223 in the red
- that I am already prepared to call Jonathan Safran Foer one of my favorite authors, without having finished any of his books
- that I am already prepared to call Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and Everything Is Illuminated two of my favorite books of all time, despite not having finished either of them
- that Marc was awake at 12:40 AM
- that I can't think of any item of clothing I feel compelled to buy
too close for comfort
Things That Disturb Me (11 Apr 09)

sam's school of life
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