- Lincoln and the de Young
- really cute (underage) French boys (who elevator-eye you) on the observation deck of the de Young
- Chick-N-Coop, soggy cabbages, roast beef, and utter nonsense
- Tony, a lot, and having someone to be morosely single with
- my brother for soft chicken tacos at Taco Bell
- Jessie and this turn of events for my class schedule that I have decided upon with my mother
- the Bible as metaphor
- my grandmama for head massages during my migraines coupled with stories about the old country
- Disneyland, especially the Jungle Cruise because it is so cheesy-clever with its great-horrible wordplay, and trying to appear limp like dead bodies in our Space Mountain photos with my cousin and brother
- my littlest cousin Carissa, because it is a novel feeling to be the one comforting someone scared when you know it's just an amusement park ride
- oh my goodness, the Tiki Room, especially the talking wall-head-totems (it was my first time... I'm sold)
- giant turkey legs at Disneyland
- realizing that ShamWow! is derived from "chamois"

- the boat ride around Huntington Beach and all those ridiculously good looking beach blondes
- becoming Mirandolina
- Lincoln, and Lincoln, and Chutney and lamb tikka masala in all its game-y glory
- running into Jessie, and Jessie, and Borders, and talking because I feel like my mouth has been out of practice
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and being unable to read it without thinking of A Very Potter Musical and Voldy's voice (and, um, abs)
- tweeting from my phone
- learning how to thread body hair from my grandma
- YFAT, my OTL
- Ikea food
- my family, because we are redic
- Connie, Shelby, loitering in Walgreen's with a leg cramp, finding out what Dolores Park is really like, fabric, fabric, fabric, Kyo for busing with me, my mama so so much, and Cathy

- babies, Allondra, and making cookies
- T-Rexing through magazines
- Vivian, our fourth apartmentmate, whom I think I like
- parfaits from Whole Foods
- my brother, Fisherman's Wharf, my cousin, Evan Kwan, caramel apples, late night Safeway runs for bacon for our midnight pizza
- my brother's affinity for girly drinks (appletinis?!)
- sweating it out
- wearing sweats with high heels
- the 51 bus line
- Minnie, Kim, and Vivian
- and Bryan and Amman and Mariah
- Bryan's haircut
- Lincoln, Szeto, Lincoln, Tony and Jeffrey, Tony, Henry Tom, Lincoln, Carmen, Liana
- being a "bodybuilder" according to WiiFit
- ironing my audition shirt on a baby ironing board about the size of my calf
- the stupidly cute blonde named Rory who piggybacked on my audition time slot, and his British accent
- apartment meetings and our bulletin board with grocery lists and receipts and weekly calendar of who will be home for dinner
- this apartment for real real
- getting through auditions and into my acting class
- my Linguistics 100 professor because he is reminds me of Alan Rickman

- going back to the apartment I am not hesitant to refer to as home
- the bowels of Zellerbach!
- the very blond boy (who was dressed like a leprechuan) named Benjamin, who goes by his full name, because his blondeness is truly blinding
- Carmen for breaking 1000 Facebook photos for me
- the paper umbrella I took to protect my delicate skin on a walk at Stow Lake and in which my soul was trapped a few years ago when I played a spirit from ancient China
- not feeling that panic of returning to Berkeley after a weekend at home
- OMG, our pizza with pesto chicken and sundried tomatoes and basil
- the newfound realization that I am okay being by myself

(I'm thinking about doing girls for next month, since girls can be lookers too, but I appreciate men so much more, you know?)
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