awkward rehearsal, trois + blogger meetup!
Also known as Monday night rehearsal. In which Samantha brings a 1-liter bottle of Listerine to rehearsal out of courtesy for her fellow actor and their sexytime scene, only to discover that her scene partner is feeling even more awkward than she is and that he tries to call the whole thing off. She feels sorry for him and lets him cut the kissing out of the scene while thinking to herself that their instructor is going to make them do it anyway.
Above, floral dress: mother's. Pink fake pashmina: New York street vendor. Cardigan: mother's. Light blue thermal: Old Navy, gift. Convertible watermelon colored mittens: J. Crew, gift. Light gray argyle tights: H&M. Black and white saddle shoes: Payless.

To those of you in the Bay Area, there's going to be a style blogger meetup on Sunday at noon at Yerba Buena! For deets and to RSVP, see the post at Going West.
I am nervous, excited, and in a mentally taxing dilemma about what to wear.

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