Simply purchase a RM100 voucher at any of the boutiques. Voucher is fully redeemable for Shu Uemura products and must be fully redeemed on the day of the workshop.
- All participants will receive a complimentary door gift worth RM90
- Attend the workshop with a friend & receive a additional mini lip gloss
- Sign up for the workshop 1 week before the workshop date & receive an additional UV UB Fluid travel size
Hurry, seats are limited! Call & check out the schedule at your preference:-
- One Utama (06/05/10) 5pm-7pm 03-7727 5023
- Sunway Pyramid (07/05/10) 4pm-6pm 03-5637 3301
- Mid Valley (14/05/10) 2pm-4pm 03-2287 1764
- Pavilion (15/05/10) 2pm-4pm 03-2141 7386
- Empire Subang (21/05/10) 5pm-7pm 03-5631 3485
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