Today while i was shopping @ Tangs Empire Subang, suddenly next to me a guy with jacket and dark glasses started to move his body like a robot and dance to the beat in robot popping style. This is also one of the street dance style. Some info from wikipedia: It is based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in the dancer's body, referred to as a pop, tick or a hit. This is done continuously to the rhythm of a song in combination with various movements and poses.
Most customers including me find this amazing, and would stop our shopping and enjoy the show. I think this idea is interesting, Tangs is providing some entertainment for their customers to enjoy, in conjunction with their Anniversary Sale. Brilliant! I saw some of the customers started to take pictures and film the dancers. There are only 2 dancers, started from lower floor then proceed to the 2nd floor.
I have upload a video of the dancers in Tangs Empire. Check it out!
It's funny and what a co-incident that I saw this robot dance performance happened in Tangs right infront of my eyes. Becoz last nite I watched Step UP in 3D in MV!! I was totally thrilled by the dance moves and great dancers in it. Thanks to my best frend who kept telling me how great was the movie and told me to watch it. I must say Step Up is one of the best dance movie ever, must watch in 3D!! Ohh....by the way, both Rick Malambri and Chadd Smith is oh so charming! Chadd Smith's robot dance is so darn cool!! Go go go watch it before it's gone.

One of my favourite dance scene when Chadd Smith do the robot rock! Awesome!!
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