Clean & Clear Advantage Spot Control Kit

I know there are dozens, if not hundreds, of companies who have their own range of spot treatments that promise all sorts of miraculous results if you give their products a go. Having acne in your 20s is definitely a tad irritating – I should know! - so I tried loads of different brands (from
Dr Murad and
Cliniques Anti-Blemish Solutions to
Clearasil and
OXY) in the hopes that they would improve my skin… I wasn’t expecting to look like a supermodel or anything, I was just hoping they’d reduce the amount of spots and also the redness that came with them!
Out of every cleanser, toner and spot gel I tried the only ones that made a genuine long-lasting different to my skin were from the Clean & Clear range by Johnsons. My skin had been bad for so long that I’d almost given up on actually finding something that would help but this little 3 piece kit arrived in my local pharmacy so I figured it would at least be worth a try. That was a loooong time ago and ever since I’ve always had a supply in my cupboard just in case the unthinkable happens and they stop making it!!! I currently have 3 boxes because I think it’s better to err on the side of caution :)

The cleanser is easily one of my all time favourites and even if I branch out and try other brands I like having a bottle of this for when my skin feels particularly oily or is in need of a deep clean due to clogged pores and congestion around my chin. The moisturiser is non-greasy and although it feels extremely light and easily absorbed it’s still hydrating enough to keep my skin feeling comfortable all day long

As for the spot gel; I’m not really a fan of these kinda products because I find them to be way too drying, they normally just leave a little yucky patch of dry skin instead of a spot so it seems a bit pointless. If I have one of those horrible green looks-like-I’m-growing-an-extra-head kinda spots then I’ll apply the teensiest speck of this and it calms the spot overnight but it’s not something I use very often
My younger brother is 13 and is starting to see a few spots around his nose and chin and the only thing I’d recommend to him is the Clean & Clear Advantage spot control kit
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