Evening folks! And what a marvellous evening it is... I’m all giddy and ridiculously excited because I’m finally getting my braces taken off tomorrow! Honestly I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’m looking forward to it, because although I love what they’ve been doing for my teeth, I’m not keen on how they make me look like a 15 year old :) I’m not kidding when I say I havent even been able to concentrate on writing a proper blog post but I’ve been looking forward to posting my July favourites so here goes…
ChapSticks; Strawberry and Cherry flavour. I'd forgotten just how good these old favourites actually smell cos it's been so long since I owned any. Pleased to report that they're as scrummy as ever :) Soltan Once Face sun cream - SPF 30 Bourjois Smokey Eyes Trio in Mordore chic No7 Natural Blush in Candy Pink Biore Skin-Boosting night serum. I recently picked up loads of stuff from the Biore range but haven't made a final decision on the other goodies yet ♥
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