In preparation for college (okay, not really. I was going to the dentist (new dentist! For adults! Not children!) and passed by this store called
kar'iktər (look! A schwa sound! I bought two pins from there before, authentic Prefect pins from prep schools in London, or something like that.) and was drawn in by the Tintin and Little Prince displays) I bought a laptop case.
Anyway, here are pictures of the laptop case/bag thing that I wasn't too keen on to start with but is growing on me, I think, from
baggallini. Front, with my striped, sock'd feet:


Inside with flash:

The funny outside zipper pull, which is wavy:

The funny inside zipper pull, which looks kind of like a miniature weapon:

Yes, so that is my laptop case with compartments and funny zipper pulls for me to lug my laptop around in when I go to college. It's rather boring and (in my mind that makes it) borderline ugly, but I will live with it. And learn to love it.
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