Here's the color code:
Purple: Small low-fat cartons of regular milk
Green: Weird light yogurt that has a consistency like congealing blood. As in, blood that is currently congealing. Present participle. I eat this every day at lunch.
Blue: Cream cheese from Noah's, not sure if this counts (Honey Maple Nut Walnut Sugary Thing, and Strawberry flavors)
Yellow: Blue's Clue's drinkable yogurt. Only marginally less embarrassing than having to respond to "What are you drinking?" with "Dora the Explorer drinkable yogurt. Oh, wait, I mean Go, Diego, Go! drinkable yogurt." They're my little cousin's.
White: Yoplait yogurt that's supposed to be good for your digestive system. They're supposed to be for my grandma, but I like them better than most regular yogurt. It's really thick. Vanilla is the best.
And this is excluding the side of my fridge where we put the big milk cartons.
And let's continue the strange photo/unattractive outfit posts.

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