I mean, I love having a functional camera.
What I wore to the cemetery (it's a Chinese thing and isn't as morbid as it sounds, I swear):

Above, burnt orange corduroy blazer: delia's. Bubble hemmed blue floral monstrosity of a dress: Goodwill. Black tights: generic. White canvas shoes: Payless.

And this past Wednesday, Jocelyn (who is a very, very bad influence) dragged me to go shopping for the homecoming dance (which I did not attend), and I bought wedges from Buffalo Exchange for $17. I was so excited I had to take pictures, even with this (pretty damn) inappropriate outfit:

I know. Too many pictures. Suck it up. Fazed-Girl has a new camera! And her first pair of wedges, and she doesn't hate them.
And a new dress, from Old Navy, bought a couple of weeks ago, I think:

It has pockets. Love.

Now you can rest your eyes, children.
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