Yesterday morning, I decided I had to get maximum wear out of my Secrets of Mensa t-shirt before washing it, so I put it on (second-day shirt! This does not happen often) and then put on some pants. And then I looked terribly boring.
(On a slightly related note, this is FOURTH DAY hair! Gross!)

So then I spent the next twenty minutes looking for accessories to jazz it up (because the outfit was far too rock; jazz is my thing (just kidding)), threw on the neckerscarfchief thing, tied a bow, and called it a day.

While the outfit was passable for sitting around and watching
most of
Smoke Signals in anthropology, my little morning incident made painfully apparent how lacking my college wardrobe is of accessories, especially because I'm used to being able to layer in San Francisco's comparably cold weather, and accessories used to rarely cross my mind.

Above, here I am lamenting my lackcessories.
I'm not sure how to amend this yet, but I'm trying to figure out how to balance my wardrobe without spending any more [EDIT:
many money (that was sad)].

Above, neckerscarfchief: grandma's. T-shirt: Secrets of Mensa, Threadless. Brown corduroy skinnies: delia's. White canvas shoes: Payless.
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