Counting is easy! Let's count to five.

"For most people, fashion week is like a mysterious, impenetrable zoo of pretty people and wackadoo clothes where editors and buyers point at peach-fuzzy models with their free hand and sip Cosmos or pet tiny Asian men with the other." - prettylegit
Bryan decided we all needed to watch The Fellowship of the Ring last night, so we started (but never finished. Oh, college students. No stamina. It was only 10 PM, and Shiva and I were about to keel over). Anyway, I forgot how epic (and I mean that in the original sense of the word) this trilogy is. And I'm wondering to myself why I didn't buy Aragorn's badass ring. ($129 from Noble Collection)

You must have seen this by now, but that doesn't make it any less entertaining. Time lapse of a baby playing with his toys:
You must have seen this by now, but that doesn't make it any less entertaining. Time lapse of a baby playing with his toys:
FIVE, where you can adopt words like, where you can adopt words like
redamancy (noun)
1. act of loving in return
And because this took me so long to write, Happy Valentine's Day.
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