- Metronomy's "A Thing For Me"
- the de Young's Yves Saint Laurent exhibit
- Tylenol
- Kyo's mother tucking me into my sleeping bag
- The Prestige
- Get Smart
- showering with a different body wash which made my sweat like a very interesting sticky perfume
- the guy who gave me floss at UCLA
- udon at SFO
- the smell of wet concrete and grass
- Marc and his understanding my difficulty finding sober non-Christians
- classical music
- the cashier at Peet's who said he hoped I would feel better
- eating vegetarian
- crepes at Westfield with my mother
- zombie shooting games
- garlic
- my family's history of winning things in raffles
- seeing Marc awake later than 11 PM
- this beautifulmazing weather
- that I have "the hot GSI"
- ironing
- waking up early
month one
Some of the things I have been thankful for in the past month:

things i love
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