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Shreveport, part 2

so it's been hectic. school is insane this semester! anyway, I went to Shreveport with Change Today a few weeks ago, and here are some of the pictures.
Shreveport = awesome! I can't wait to go back in 2 weeks :]

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36 bumbles of joy: a countdown

Bumbles (yes, bumbles, thanks to Edward Albee) of joy!

Life is funny sometimes... times eight!

mliamliamliaucb anonconit made my daymliamliamlia
[one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight]

I wish I had thought of that first... times seven!

Shoes I want to change my life like Cinderella's did for hers... times six!

Beautiful words... times five!

Songs that will burrow their way into your brains through your ears and make you unable to concentrate during midterms, which is terrible... times four!

"Peryglus Lucifer" - Hemme Fatale
"Somebody To Love" - Queen... which you might recognize from Glee
"Turn To Stone" - Ingrid Michaelson

Animals I want to put in my pocket... times three!

[via cuteoverload]

Blogs you should be reading right now... times two!

'Cause the lady dresses like this:

And she talks about her crystal flower brooch that she found in a parking lot HELLO AWESOME!

I believe the name says it all. Not to mention she makes Valentines that look like THIS!

Things I love... times one!

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the kind that you just wanna give away

This is my favorite PostSecret of all time.

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disaster's afoot

The day my boots decided to turn my feet into bloody stumps (well, not really, but I'm in enough pain that they're going on a vacation for a few weeks):

I should've known that disaster was afoot. And at hand.

Jacket: gift. Scarf: gift. White tee: hand-me-down. Jeans: Levi's 518. Boots: Steven by Steve Madden. Ring: Forever21.
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