Yesterday attended a fun learning cupcake workshop organised by Nuyou magazine at Cake Connection in JayaOne. Nancy, our instructor, frendly yet professional taught us how to bake the cupcakes, and demonstrates a few decorating tips. We had hands-on decorating on our cupcakes.
I decorated 4 cupcakes on my own! Which do you love to buy?? RM8 cheap cheap. LOL. Kidding not for sale. Mayb next time if am a master of cupcakes, then I can start selling them my dreamzzz.
Here continue to the 2nd cupcake fondant making. It's pretty challenging and need alot of preseverance, patience!! It's also fun coz is like Play-doh. This is what I did. Looks like came out from Prep-school!! Hahahah am very bad in this.

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