[EDIT: Post attempt #2. With any luck, the font sizing and links won't have any problems.]
This is a little late.
Dear 2010, you're kinda cute. Let me count the ways!
- frozen spoons
- Closet Confidential, a real-life book by Winona from DaddyLikey that I am totally willing to pimp. It should be required reading for women everywhere. Especially the part about having a handbag ready for an emergency.
- my new lace-up boots
- Scheme
- Crepevine
- my mother
- 17 Again and Zac Efron

No, srs, guys, where is my mature, loving, family-oriented 37-year-old-man in the body of a 22-year-old Adonis? [via]

OHAI. [via]
- babies
- when you go on comegetused just hoping to make a few bucks on your old textbooks and it turns out your buyer is kinda cute
- Ling-Ling
- that my generation of celebrities is accessible on twitter and tumblr (Dianna Agron's tumblr and Cory Monteith's twitter!)
- Tony
- Special K and Gordon:

- fitting into my Prada skirt that I barely fit into last year
- my aunt for thinking of me before giving away her old clothes
- lining my skirts because I can expend more mental energy on not tripping and less on whether my skirt's gotten stuck between my legs yet
- Avatar
- the Cartier exhibit at the Legion of Honor, where I learned what a bandeau is
- cleaning out my makeup bag
- playing with Carissa in our blanket fort in the living room
- coral-pink Neutrogena lipstick
- blog comments
- YOU GUYS! Seriously. All 2.5 (aka ~90) of you. Your comments are JOY. Except you, Chinese Spambot. Your comments are not joy. Maybe I should just leave them there instead of deleting them from now on.
- Connie
- my apartment because oh there is nothing like having a quiet, empty building to yourself after a month at home in a house with heavy familial traffic
- that I have gone back to normal shampoo + conditioner having tried 'poo alternatives for 8 (?) months
- Daniel because finally there is someone equally enthused about course material! Anyone who has "faɪnəli ɡɔt̚ aɪ pi eɪ ɑn hɪz mæk!!!" as a Facebook status has to be awesome.
- Jessie
- falling asleep in CS3L lecture and waking up to Professor Harvey asking for a 2-word Beatles song, calling out "Hey Jude" from the back row, which he used, and then falling asleep again
- Ching
- my Skullcandy headphones
- Dr. Bronner's lip balm on sale at Target
- Saturday night family dinners
- feeling sleepy at 11 PM
- nurseries and the smell of wet earth and miniature daffodils

- short skirts
- Marc!
- "Fix You" and this cover because I totally do have a crush on the lead singer
- my Hunter rain boots
- Stephanie my lab partner! Here's to 3-hour 8 AM labs!
- Carmen & Liz
- SET!

- Mihran and Kathleen
- Soda because it is a really nice building and there is never a line for the women's bathroom
- apartment meetings where we go over our rent and utilities and animal menstruation
- every single time that I reaffirm that I really, really like linguistics
- Sunshine
- planting my snow and sweet peas and the subsequent dirt under my fingernails
- my tiny 9-person linguistics discussion with the Uma Thurman GSI
- my mother's old trench coat and the love and labor that went into taking up the hem and letting out the sleeves by hand
- fucking my fear because it is good for me
- breaking my shopping ban
- getting into my waitlisted classes (12th for a 50-person class and 23rd for a 150-person class)
- This extremely useful diagram provided by the management:
LOOKERS! The first edition of 2010 and the first edition ever with LADEEZ. 'Cause I have the biggest crush on Dianna Agron. But first, the ... less fair sex:

Above, I have no idea who this is. But he is obvz my soulmate because I make that face too. And I have a trench coat. We were made for each other. [via]

Above, HAIR UNF. [via]

Above, THAT HAIR. THOSE SHORTS. The fine blond hair on his legs! (But in the lamplight, downed with light brown hair!) Thank you, T. S. Eliot! [via]

Above, Matthew Morrison + a cigarette = so bad it's good. [via]

In complete honesty, I can't decide if Jake Gyllenhaal with a Harry Potter scar, Harry Potter glasses, and Harry Potter convention pass is sexier than this Jake Gyllenhaal:

Aaaaand time for some major Dianna Agron spam (with a bit of Lea Michele):



By the way, um, isn't that black top beautiful? [via]

And one for the menfolk 'cause dressed down is sexy too. [via]
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