Yesterday went to Fatin's Chocolate Cats' Tea Party @ Full House Lifestyle Store, near KLCC. I reached there around 5pm, followed by Adriene, while Fatin set up the tables with delicious yummy cupcakes from Bisou, and some croissants, and puttin up balloons. :) The rest of the group came, Jean, Pigita, Cia Wei, Aileen...we sat down began to savour the cupcakes, chicken wings, spaghetti, sandwiches. The food in Fullhouse are not bad, only the chicken wing was not so well-cooked.

After the food, the games started. Fatin drew and paint the Cheschire Cat!! It was lovely!!
First game: Blind fold and pin the grin on the Cheshire cat!!

Followed by quizzes about Alice in wonderland movie. I manage to answer 2 questions. LOL! Should have read it again on the story before comin to the party, so i can answer them well and get more prizes. :P
Last, we need to dance our version of Mad Hatter's weird dance. The one who dance the weirdest dance will get the prize of a 90min aromatherapy body massage voucher!!! Guess what?? Yeah, I did a public display of my embarass weirdest dance ever in Full House, luckily with less audiences. Cia Wei, and Adriene did some weird dance steps, since am sittin down i get to take their pics. muahaha. So who's the winner???
After Fatin n her cat have some discussion, they finally decided that I'm the winner!!! Wohoohooo!!! Thankss Fatin for the prize, food, n organising this fun tea party!! I really enjoyed!
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