My blogger friend, Miu is coming up with a Mad Hatter's Tea Party, after been inspired by Fatin's Alice in the wonderland Tea party. I remembered i wore a blue dress to Fatin's party, I dress as the Asian Alice in wonderland. Maybe I'll dress as Rabbit this time or something bizzare as mad as the hatter. LOL
Do you like to join this ridiculously crazy Mad Hatter Tea Party?? If yes!! Gather below ingredients!!!
The ingredients for the Mad Hatter's Tea Party!!
- Be crazy, fun, or fashionable!!
- Must be a food blogger or famous blogger
- Be Miu's follower!!
- Blog about Why you should join and what you'll be dressing up as
- Use this picture as your blog post
- Blog about this party and leave your links and emails at Miu's post
- Bring a good camera along to snap on the food and mad people!!
Things you need to do NOW!! This minute!!
See the Cheshire Cat below? Speak to him, and ask him the place, time and date of the Mad Hatter's party.

Yes...Chessur is grinning now.....

Now, if you cant hear him, means you are not mad enough to able to join this party! LOL
See...am mad!
Anyway, let me give you the details then. :)
Venue: The Smokehouse Hotel & Restaurant, Bangsar
Date: 3rd April 2010
Time: 3-6pm

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