Anyway, he concluded my skin is dry/combination type, but lack of water. So he intro me the basic 3-step skincare system frm Clinique which suits my skin. He did a demo of all the following products on my hand.

Step 2: Clarifyin lotion no.2
This one works as toner and also act as first layer exfoliate. According to the consultant, double exfoliate - scrub. He said we should exfoliate using tis toner twice a day, so the next step = moisturiser can be fully absorb to the skin.

I did see a dramatic result on 2 hands, one hand of mine has exfoliate, and put on this moisturiser, is very fast absorbing..only a few rubs/ massage into the hand.
Another hand, without exfoliate, when apply the moisturiser, needed to massage more so it takes longer time to absorb into the skin. Therefore, a exfoliate skin, will get deeper penetration of the moisturiser.

This Micro motion C serum - it has rollers on it, for you to massage the serum into the spots/pigmentation area.

This is an additional add-on for my dehydration skin. One of Clinique's best seller - Moisture Surge, the texture is quite watery, and not oily, suitable for thirsty skin like mine.

Lastly, I asked him to show me one of their talk of the town long lasting lip balm which most runway models used for their chap lips. He showed me this lip treatment superbalm, this is not in their cosmetic range, but under their skincare range. This little tube cost RM50, good things comes in small quantity??

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