Navarre Beach, FL
So guesss what?! On Saturday morning, bright and early, I'm leaving to go on a lovely little vacation with my awesome boyfriend, Julian, and his family! We are going to Navarre Beach, which is a cute beach on the Emerald Coast. I have never been there before, but the pictures look beautiful.
My family takes a beach trip just about every year to Destin, which is not very far from Navarre. We didn't go this year because of the oil spill, but it seems as though the area has not yet been affected, so Julian's family is going.
I am personally not a beach person. I'm definitely more into visiting places where you actually do stuff, rather than just sitting around in the sun, increasing your chance of skin cancer, and getting sand stuck to your body. However, I am in very much need of a vacation, and I'm going to definitely enjoy the lovely sea breeze more than the swampy gross sauna that's called Louisiana. And I'll be sure to apply and reapply sunblock. Plus, I mean, how serene does this look?
It'll be a great place to just sit and relax and read a nice book. Speaking of books, any suggestions on what I could bring? I am thinking of bringing Pattie Boyd's autobiography, because I've had it for a few months now and never had time to read it. But I know I'll read it super fast, so I definitely need more books. Maybe I can read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows a seventh time? Just kidding. No really, I might.
Right in front of where we are staying is this huge pier, it's the longest pier in all of Florida. So of course I will probably spend a great deal of time on it, not because I particularly care to, but because Julian has mentioned it in almost every sentence he has said to me all day. He is really excited about this pier. I'm not quite sure why. But I'm sure it will be cool, it looks kind of interesting.
One of my favorite things about going on vacation is being able to buy new stuff to pack. I don't know why this is necessary. I mean, it's really not necessary at all. I have like 12 bathing suits, I don't know why I have this compulsive need to buy new ones. I guess it's just because I'm addicted to shopping. So anyway, I bought a new bathing suit and it's awesome and I got it at Target. The top has this adorable little bow on it. And the bottom has these cute little ruffles. The pictures on the website totally don't do it justice. It's wayyy cuter than it looks. Plus, I have like no curves. so it doesn't look as much like underwear when I wear it as it does on the model.
Anyway, I'm going shopping tomorrow to get some more last minute things, including a big floppy hat to protect my face and scalp from the damaging UV rays. So I will have more new things to update my blog with tomorrow! Or Wednesday. We'll seee!

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