I’ve noticed that everyone seems to be in love with Urban Decays Naked palette at the minute, which got me poking around and sorting through all my UD stuff to see what I have and whether or not the Naked palette would be worth adding to my collection!

I came across my Urban Decay Deluxe Shadow Box which my best friend got me for Christmas. It’s gotta be one of my favourite palettes because there’s such a great mix of totally perfect colours and they’re all really pigmented (as we’ve all come to expect from Urban Decay!) So even if I go weeks without using this I always come back to it

Ransom and Peace stand out and when I wear them people always comment. Shag, Scratch and Underground are natural shades that are great for every day wear but of course adding a little zero makes for a seriously smokey look. I love palettes that give me the chance to try loads of different eye looks :)
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