- Younger!JGL is delectable, but I will take JGL in a 3-piece suit and slicked back hair over JGL in a wifebeater and almost-mullet-bowl-cut any day. (Face it: Arthur has some serious swagger. Yes or yes?)
- I don't know why some of the online forums I clicked through were discussing this movie as if it were made for shock value. I don't think this movie is supposed to be mysterious or primarily about pedophilia or hustling at all. I don't even think it's about "tackling a controversial topic." I think it's about how people deal with their past, and how the past affects who we become. A universal human experience. And I think it looks at it eloquently.
- Parts of it are cheesy. Pretty much every scene with Michelle Trachtenberg or Jeff Licon is cheesy. But the parts that aren't cheesy are really awful and beautifully done.
- I haven't seen 500 Days of Summer or 10 Things I Hate About You, but I'm guessing most people have. I suspect Mysterious Skin will totally change your opinion of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and what he can do. Just saying. (I am including this point mainly because the only time I've seen him onscreen is as the point man (God I love wordplay) in Inception, where his character was completely one-dimensional. Or two-dimensional at best. Although it was a damn good-looking two dimensions.)
- If you've never watched graphic sex of any kind, this movie will probably disgust you. Not that it's graphic. But isn't sex always... just this side of violent?
- JGL is butt-fucking-naked (also fucking butt-naked) in this movie, but I promise you'll be uncomfortable about it in a bad way. That being said, here're some JGL GIFs:
stinky little buttcrack of a town
So I want to say something about Mysterious Skin, partially because I just wanted to watch a Joseph Gordon-Levitt movie and ended up crying for like half an hour while watching this, partially because I'm on a serious JGL kick right now (Aha! A kick! "This would be a kick."), and partially because I just want to post these JGL GIFs.

sam's school of life
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