- walking to class in the cold morning air
- trying to keep Daniel awake in lecture by playing hangman with him
- Nuri for lunch and being a crazypants who is trying to figure out this hustling and schmoozing thing, and whose first reaction to my telling him that I want to do something creative was whether or not I was writing
- Will for his time and advice
- Thai food, Jessie, Ching, and the architecture studio
- unlimited texting
- “No Way” from AVPS
- Darren Criss and Chris Colfer’s “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”
- Memento and Christopher Nolan, whom I would totally invite to my hypothetical college application tea party

- Pride and Prejudice on audiobook
- breaking 12,000 (hits per month)
- my first attempt at breaded/fried chicken
- Isabella emails
- changing my blog header
- Katy Perry’s “Firework”
- GIMP for image editing
- Darren Criss’s “The Muse” and “Don’t You”
- the soothing task of cooking for one
- airport food
- my grandma
- AnonCon
- my brother
- Daniel’s linguistics course project (he did Shanghainese) and Daniel in general, especially because this semester, I will miss being in the same class as him
- rewatching AVPM instead of studying
- Layer Cake and Daniel Craig, UNF, YOU BIZARRELY ATTRACTIVE MAN:

- white cheddar Cheez-Its
- Raptor Red by Robert T. Bakker (not least of all because it has a holographic dinosaur image on the cover)
- brown lipstick
- looking in awe at the incredible plum-maroon color combination in my sock drawer about to be unleashed on the world
- Forrest Gump, which I wish I'd known wasn't just some sentimental story but actually had an interesting script and heartstring-tuggy characters
- Pan’s Labyrinth, which I found incredible

- Japanese food, Discount Fabrics, and moving my stuff out with my mother at the end of the semester
- The Social Network, especially for Jesse Eisenberg’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Andrew Garfield in general (FFFUUUUU, I need to watch Never Let Me Go) but especially for the bathroom scene with Brenda Song. Oh yes. Also, the epic bromance.
- my family
- hospitals, doctors, and modern medicine
- how soothing rereading Harry Potter is
- bran muffins
- Night Watch by Terry Pratchett
- MEN!

Shimmy toward me, Eduardo!
When I found this GIF, I shed a tear of joy in celebration of Andrew Garfield's underwear-clad butt.
Fun fact: while searching for suitable Andrew Garfield pictures, I discovered that there is a substantial Mark/Eduardo fandom. (It was much more surprising than the Arthur/Eames fandom I found while searching for Inception pictures.) The caption for this GIF generally reads something like "I don't even know where Mark tapped Eduardo."

On that Asian-men-not-being-effeminate note, LADIES:

I hope I grow up to be Natalie Portman.
And now back to the menfolk:
Ladies and gentlemen, Francisco Lachowski. You're welcome.

It's been good, 2010.
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