Know what I’d love? Gorgeously thick and perfectly preened Audrey Hepburn style eyebrows that shape my face and draw attention to my eyes. Alas, mine are fine, sparse and way to light to draw any attention whatsoever :(
I can’t stand those fake looking “drawn on” eyebrows that a lot of people seem to sport (been guilty of this myself but it was a long time ago so if it’s ok with you I reckon we should just brush past that!) I also don’t want to spend ages drawing in my brows because… Well… because I’m lazy and would rather spend the time doing other stuff
So I was rather chuffed when I came across Urban Decays Brow Box. I bought my first one a couple of years ago and have used these consistently ever since. There are 5 shades available and I vary which one I use depending on my skin tone - changes quite a bit from season to season – but the fact that there are 2 shades in each box means you can combine them or use them separately to get the perfect colour
I adore all the Urban Decay packaging because it’s so, you know, purple? And, er, girly. Yeah, I’m not too sure why I love it so much but I just know that when I see an Urban Decay beauty product I cant help but get little excited :)
This little box comes with 2 brow powders, a teensy angled brush, tweezers and some brow wax
The powders are completely natural looking and last forever, the brush is perfectly shaped and easy to use and the wax ensures that your new brow creation lasts all day long. The tweezers are a bit naff (think Swiss army knife quality as opposed to Tweezerman quality) but work well for plucking out those annoying stray hairs that always appear at the worst possible time
At £16 this isn’t exactly cheap but it lasts ages and thanks to the way it adds the perfect finishing touch to any makeup look I reckon it’s totally worth it ♥
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