As you've probably noticed from previous posts I'm a massive fan of Lancome goodies; it's one of my favourite high-end brands and I enjoy using everything from their skin care to their foundation and lip glosses (I reckon Juicy Tubes are easily one of the best glosses ever invented!) And there are very few products from the line that have left me disappointed

There isn't any one particular thing that I really disliked about this, rather there are lots of little things that are just a bit meh. Firstly the brush; I generally like this sort of traditional spiral style wand and figured it would be fantastic for grabbing and coating each individual lash but it was just ok – nothing to write home about
The formula itself is extremely dark which is always a good thing but it's too wet so my lashes tend to clump together and look spidery when I'm using it. My biggest complaint about most mascaras is a formula that’s too wet so I'm used to buying a new mascara, using it, then leaving it for up to a month to dry out slightly. Or sometimes I'll open the tube, leave the wand sitting out on my dresser for a few minutes whilst I do the rest of my makeup then apply the mascara once it's dried slightly...Even after that I still wasn't keen on the actual formula

Although this is far from the worst mascara I've ever used I just can't see me spending £20.50 on it when there are so many better, cheaper alternatives available at the drugstore :)
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