Perhaps it's because the colours are so bright and almost too pretty but I just didn't have very high hopes for the polish - this in spite of the fact that I own dozens of other fantastic Barry M goodies! But when Boots had a buy 2 get one free offer a while back I figured it'd be a crime not to try them and I fell in love with them pretty much straight away…
For some reason the term "nail paint" conjured images of a horrible, thick, matte paint (like those massive plastic squeezy bottles we used in primary school) so I was very impressed to see the gleaming, smooth, shiny finish I could achieve easily with just two coats
My nails are ridiculously short and scraggy thanks to helping Adryen with his packing (Who knew you could have so much stuff squeezed into one house?!?!) The short nails look dreadful cos my hands aren't feminine enough to pull them off - in the same way that I could never pull off a short hair cut like gorgeous Audrey Hepburn or Natalie Portman - so I went for a nice bright purple-y/pink-y Barry M paint and was fairly pleased with the results...My hands and cuticles might look a right mess but at least my nails are a nice colour! :)
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