I ordered the Todays Special Value from
QVC a while back cos it was a gorgeous selection of
Smashbox goodies for about £36 (cant remember the exact TSV price but it’s currently £45.50 on the website)
The main reason I
had to get this was cos I wanted the primer. At the minute I use Photo Finish Light but I’ve almost finished my bottle and at £29 by itself I figured this was a real bargain because I’d be getting 6 other products for less than a tenner. I know I know, I’m actually starting to sound like one of the QVC presenters. Memo to self: less tv, more reading!

Anywho, the eyeshadows, primer, lip gloss and pencil are all fab and I’ve used them most days for work since this arrived. The shadows are sooo pretty and make my eyes look fairly bright

Er, I took the pics about 5 minutes ago after walking my dogs in the park. It’s kinda windy out so if you could ignore the state of my hair that’d be awesome :)
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