- floral socks like Celeste Stein prints (but in half-calf, non-nylon sock form)
- plaid tights (red-based with navy blues, blacks, or greens)
- round-frame glasses or sunglasses like Harry Potter or Karen Walker (Holy shit! This is the coolest website I've seen for a long time!)
- bigass headphones (the DJ kind, noise cancellation would be nice. Actually my brother promised to get me a pair for my birthday.)
- black and white houndstooth fabric-covered headband (preferably 1 - 1.5" wide)
- a pin studded with rhinestones in the shape of a bow (yeah, kinda like this F21 one)
- new compact mirror that is actually pretty and actually opens and closes that will last me more than a few weeks before I break it
- really chunky knits
- Ojon Rub-Out Dry Cleanser (for my nasty hair that I actually only wash 2 times a week, 3 if I'm feeling particularly ambitious or sweaty... yes, I am gross)

glorified wishlist
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