10 September 2008
Today I am grateful for Thomas Hardy's poetry instead of his prose for the first time.
11 September 2008
Today I am grateful for Amman and notes passed in the study lounge about the jerk who was loudly berating his girlfriend on his cellphone for falling asleep on their midnight phone call, saying, "I told you I was going to call at midnight. Why did you fall asleep on me? You know why I get mad at you, don't you?"
12 September 2008
Today I am grateful for Jack Johnson dominating my imeem playlists and crunchy leaves on which to step on the way to astronomy after turning in homework.
13 September 2008
Today I am grateful for Saturday family dinners, WiiFit, dim sum, and Whole Foods.
14 September 2008
Today I am grateful for Lincoln and this:

Today I am grateful for cough drops in water bottles, crossword puzzles with Amman during astronomy, and James Joyce's Dubliners.
16 September 2008
Today I am grateful for Tylenol and this conversation in the hallway:
MINNIE: Do you want to go watch Jason Mraz in concert?
AMMAN: No, but do you want to go watch the Cheetah Girls?
MINNIE: No. You're such a girl!
AMMAN: No, you're such a girl!
MINNIE: No I'm not! Wait, I am a girl.
17 September 2008
Today I am grateful for Connie, pork buns, Jocelyn, and the cafe in Evans that has real Asian food!

18 September 2008
Today I am grateful for Bryan, astronomy homework that is easy, Jason Mraz, "The Futile," the Golden Bear Cafe, and sleeping really early last night.
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