...it'd been that long.
This is what I wore last Saturday:

Above, t-shirt: She Doesn't Even Realize, Threadless, gift. Crazy pants: somewhere in Vancouver. Shoes: Old Navy.

What I wore last Wednesday:

Above, pink crocheted "old people" (thanks a lot, Marc) beanie: some hat store in New York. T-shirt: volunteer t-shirt, gift. Printed thermal longsleeve: JC Penney. Jeans: Levi's 504 Slouch Straight. Socks: gift. Oxfords: Payless.

Yeah, I was feeling pretty shitty that day:

So I gave myself a hug.

Kim and I decided to go to dinner really early even though we weren't hungry, in case there was a huge line for the Harvest Dinner. There wasn't. But that's okay, because we were prepared and had armed ourselves with homework. Here's a partial diary of our 2-hour experience in the dining hall:

Unfortunately, we did not begin documenting our plight until an hour in.
Here's what I wore on Thursday.

Above, cardigan: Uniqlo. T-shirt: Old Navy, mother's. Skirt: thrifted. Leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: gift. Oxfords: Payless.

On Thursday, my life was full of knitting. Hurray colors!
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