I want...
- a bowler hat (Macbett much, Kyle of the medieval-peasant-haircut?)
- Strunk & White's Elements of Style, hardcover, preferably used
- dry shampoo or hair powder for my bad greasy self
- small mounted linoleum blocks for carving stamps
- peacock feathers to play with (in a crafty, decorative way)
- fat, fat, fat yarn for knitting
- Jason Mraz CDs... or just his music...
- cocoon coat
- floppy black felt hat (a la Agathe of
the now-defunct HOLY BALLS THE ARCHIVES ARE BACK UP?StyleBytes, because that image of her never left me, but my current floppy yellow straw hat is slightly too big to maneuver through doorways) - A cupcake. The dining hall was supposed to have cupcakes on Wednesday. By the time we got there, all we saw were empty boxes and sprinkles scattered on the countertop. It was like a crime scene.
- inexcusably huge scarf, sort of like the kind they've had at H&M, except I want to knit it...
- benetint like yellow
- rings that make it look like I just robbed a museum
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