Here's a bunch of stuff I wore and too many photos of me posing:

Above, last Friday's outfit, which I sweltered in while walking to the BART station. Plaid shirt: secondhand, gift. Skirt: Nordstrom Rack. Tights: Forever21. Plaid shoes: Keds.

This skirt is so awkward because it's not tight enough to fit on my waist but is too tight for my hips.

It just sort of sits there in No Man's Land and makes my waist look bigger than it is.

Above, I call this the Camera, Please Be A Dear And Sniff Check For Me.

Above, this is me being too cool for school.

What an unflattering shirt-tuck!
This is Sunday:

Above, t-shirt: She Doesn't Even Realize, Threadless, gift. Dress: Macy's girls'. Belt: from a Goodwill dress. Tights: Forever21.

Monday, and again Fazed-Girl only semi-consciously goes for a color scheme:

Above, neckerscarfchief: grandmother's. Cardigan: mother's. Light blue longsleeve thermal: Old Navy, gift. Jeans: delia's. Socks: gift. Oxfords: Payless.

Above, that's what I would do if I suddenly realized I was about to step into a puddle of vomit.

Above, this is how I work the
ladies ladeez menfolk wall.

Above, this is me looking unapologetic for not wanting to step in your vomit puddle on the frat house's floor. (Does anyone else ever mistype "frat party" as "fart party" and then giggle? I am so immature.)
BORING TUESDAY! Someday I will learn that caps-lock doesn't make things more exciting.

Above, cardigan: Uniqlo. Printed thermal: Kohl's. Jeans: delia's. Socks: gift. Oxfords: Payless.


And here is Wednesday.

Above, cardigan: Uniqlo. Belt: from a Goodwill dress. Dress: Macy's girls' department. Tights: Forever21. Oxfords: Payless.

Above, to everything (turn turn turn) there is a season (turn turn turn)...

It rained on Thursday, but I went with Jocelyn to Crossroads anyway.

Above, umbrella: Chinatown NYC. T-shirt: uncle's. Berkeley sweatshirt: Cal Student Store. Floral shorts: mother's. Gray ribbed tights: Nordstrom. Shoes: plaid Keds. Tacky necklace: SoGood.

Oh yeah. I bought a skirt from Crossroads for $18. It says it's Prada. How can I tell if it's real? The tags are all there, the material feels pretty nice, and it looks well-made. (And for some reason the lining is 5% rubber.)

My mom says I am not stick-thin enough to wear such a tight skirt. I agree but demand that the world embrace my thunderous thighs because (if it's really a Prada skirt) IT'S PRADA!

Above and below, my tights.

And Friday:

Above, blue glitery headband: Target. T-shirt: Old Navy men's. Green jeans: Target. Plaid shoes: Keds.

Above, tote bag that is my book bag: I'm really not sure where I got it, you guys... I'm also really not sure where I got my sarcasm.

Pose pose pose.

First time taking pictures with this tote bag. I got far too excited.

Oh, haha. It shrunk because my mom threw it in the dryer by accident once. And it's still huge.

Okay, that was exhausting but satisfying. Was it good for you too?
P. S. I washed my hair on Sunday and didn't wash it until Saturday (today)! Gross. I'm impressed with myself.
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