- when our room is silent and Mariah bursts out laughing
- the Cal Crit, and that none of them crashed
- men in spandex
- Thai Temple, probably the best Thai iced tea I've ever had (the taste of cheapness is so, so sweet), yellow curry, mango sticky rice, Ching, and Liz
- Mariah for lending Kim her bike
- Amelie on the piano
- going no 'poo (more links)
- that the girl next to me in linguistics did not climb over me when she finished her midterm
- Everything Is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer
- Adaptation
- Iksoo, Iksoo speaking Korean, Iksoo again because oh my goodness he is adorable
- Nadine's skirts (1, 2)
- Shanghainese food
- that Vice magazine book Amman and Mariah got me (I would post pictures but my blog would probably be flagged as inappropriate or something)
- Bryan for lending me his sweatshirt
- Kim for being my accomplice in sneaking into the apartment behind some guy
- the guy in my ESPM class who switched seats so I could have a seat with a desk
- Thai Noodle, mango sticky rice, book club, tumblr
- Special Topics in Calamity Physics
- my hair, regardless of what it is doing, because it is mine and I love it
- ginger cats + Nutella
- tomatoes
- Bryan for getting the bee out of my room
- waking up in my underroos and not a heck of a lot else
- Disney songs on YouTube in other languages, because this has never been this exciting before
- amazing Earth Day dinner at the dining hall, involving salmon, asparagus, goat cheese, strawberry shortcake, and organic strawberries (Amman I realized sometime last week that I gave you whipped cream with my meat-ed fork but I don't know how to bring this up in conversation, so D: SURPRISE unless you didn't eat it)
- Daniel
- dressing Bryan for the boat dance, and that he has floral dress shirts, and that he would wear a silk scarf as a pocket square
- dinner with Marc... because it was easier than expected, which is always a nice surprise
- realllllly fun linguistics homework
- Theatre Rice, Ching, Joce, Jessie, Amanda, that no trucks went by between lines
- Atonement
- Carissa being so excited to tell me she lost her two front teeth, and going to my/her K-8 school carnival with her
- Sunshine texts and Connie emails
- my mama
- my seminar, Tom's Scottie, Blaze's bunny (!), and especially Freddy because he is hilarious
- Marc for watermelon
- Shiva and his British accent
things I loved in April:

things i love
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