I was recently tagged to receive the (EPIC) label of Haute Mess by Camille, the lovely blogger behind owl wings, and I'm supposed to share seven things about myself. But because I really liked the way she set up her post, I will copy her. Thus, a collection of visual inspiration, followed by seven things about me that may or may not be apparent from my blog:

- I spend more time picking out my clothes than on Facebook, but I spend more time on MLIA than I do picking out my clothes.
- I don't actually own anything directly from American Apparel or Urban Outfitters.
- This image saved on my computer shows the extent of my nerdiness. Not much more, not much less.
- I am now a firm believer in gapingvoid's Sex & Cash Theory. (If you don't feel like clicking, it has to do with creative types having a pay-the-bills job, not with prostitution. Although that would pay the bills.)
- Laundry is my favorite chore, closely followed by ironing, but I have a deep dislike for washing dishes.
- I'm not subscribed to any fashion magazines.
- I am completely terrified about this coming semester.
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