Do you have a New Years Resolution for 2010? To quit smoking? To stop drinking? To go on a diet? Have you ever had a New Years Resolution? If so, did you stick to it? Do you know somebody who needs to make a resolution? Do you think resolutions are made only to be broken? So, put it out here and tell us, What's Your New Years Resolution?
My New Years Resolution
1. Spend more time with family & friends
2. To be happy with my life, and to take better care of myself
3. A trip to UK on September 2010
4. To enjoy my son & daughter (due on March 8, 2010) as much as possible
5. Get organized (Home, Office & Life)
6. Earn more money
7. Eat more healthy foods
8. Spend more wisely
I am so curious if you guys have any healthy resolutions for 2010, so speak up and share them with me. No resolution is too big or too small to share. I want to hear them all.
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