I finally won the comic contest to go to Miu's Super birthday party organise by Kiehl's!! Yippe...and I've decided to go to the superhero party at 1utama, with my cat mask, and my own black costume, So this will be a Contemporary Catgal 2010 version!! Meowwrrrr
The party was great, best thing was I won a consolation prize for best dress. Woo hoo!! Thanks to kiehls!! I've got a bag of samples from kiehl's!!
The party also left me some unforgettable memories. This is the first time I played dress up as a superhero. LOL!! Before I reach Kiehl's Miu's bday party. I headed to Parkson Anna Sui to have a mini make over to compliment my catgal looks. The Anna Sui makeup artist is superb, she did an extra smokey eye on me and added glitters on eyes area. My eyes was dramatic!! When the makeover is done, is time to put on my cat mask, I was actually pretty nervous. Afraid if I walk around in 1utama with my mask, with a all-black suit, people might arrest me. (heart pumping). The makeup artist said "oh, dun be silly." Calms me a little.
Luckily when I walk to the entrance of parkson, there is a escalator infront. Wow..I don't need to walk a big round to reach Kiehl's. Oppps....but when i took the escalator dwn, a few people already staring at me with a puzzled look. In their head, they might be thinkin maybe there's a superhero movie coming up or roadshow in 1utama??? Ohh...and there, when I reach the ground, I saw a family with kids, poor kids saw me they ran...and said..."ahh batman..." Another couple outside of a shop, spotted me, stopped and said...."look....catwoman!!" Then another couple, left his wife, and followed me behind and kept asked me "why do you wear like this, where do you go??" I was so embarass, and try not to look at everyone, and keep walkin fast, and pretended to call someone from my phone. But that guy seem to follow me n waitin for my answer, so I replied him by saying "I'm goin to a party here", without turning my head to see him.
I walked even faster with my heart beating fast. I look up on my left, there i saw Kiehl's shop!! My heart relieved, and i saw alot of Miu's frend already there with their masks and costume, now am part of them. Phewww....
The party was great! We enjoyed very much. Thanks to Miu who invited me to the party. Hope to attend more such partiess and Kiehl's always have great parties!!
P/S: Pls vote me by clickin "Like" at my profile pic with my comic entry at Kiehl's Facebook wall ya. , thanks for ur support!! Muaxxx
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