I know when it comes to beauty products you definitely can’t please everyone... there are some items that I absolutely swear by and couldn’t live without (I could of course, but well, I’d really rather not) yet my friends and sisters can’t stand them!
A prime example would be Liz Earles Superskin Concentrate. My sister got a bottle of this and loathed it so she gave it to me – this recycling system we have going on is most handy! - and I adore it. She thought it was greasy and didn’t soak into her skin whereas I though it was velvety, non-greasy and easily absorbed. Same product, totally different results :)
The following items might work brilliantly for you and I don’t want to offend anyone who already uses them! I find beauty products similar to a great book, when I recommend something to someone I always really really want them to like it as much as I do, but by the same token I know there’s no way that’s gonna happen every single time! So, in no particular order....

The worst thing is probably that it’s incredibly drying. The second worst thing is the coverage cos it’s so light and yet still manages to be uneven. Ick!
I decided to treat myself to this when I got a particularly good bonus at work. I considered it a “grown up” perfume and nearly cried as I handed over £70 for a 100ml bottle. It was only after a couple of wears that I realised why I could smell old woman no matter where I went. It was me. Well my preposterously expensive perfume!
Clinique Anti-blemish Solutions foundation
There’s so many things I dislike about this it’s hard to know where to start. The texture is far too drying and for someone with a lot of spots that means dry cakey foundation clinging to said spots in a hideous manner. Not good! Oh and it caused me to break out more than usual.
As a teenager all I used was simple stuff. There wasn’t nearly as many things available then but I always used their cleanser, toner and soap. A few months back I was particularly skint and had run out of my usual cleanser and toner so I figured I’d buy the Simple range instead cos it costs about a 10th of the price for 3 times as much product. Seemed too good to be true, and guess what? Yup, you got it!
As you can see I’m not basing this on just one item but I found everything I used to be a bit “meh” and the only thing I’d consider repurchasing is the face mask.

If you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know this is a recent repurchase because I really didn’t like this foundation when I first tried it. Unfortunately I can safely say that second time around it managed to impress me even less
The finish is just so horrible! It’s cakey, clogs in my pores and looks dry. All in all I think it’s just a crap foundation and I will be avoiding it in future. Shame really cos the True Match powder is superb!
Feel free to comment about any products that you feel are totally overrated or just didn’t work for you! I love hearing about other people disasterous purchases :)
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