Here's the original
Beartato cake:

Beartato is a Bear + Potato character from a comic called

And here's our version of the Beartato cake, for Eric's birthday, because he is an avid comic reader:

It was supposed to be a surprise party, except his project partner failed to lure him away from working on their project, so we resorted to roommate-locked-out tactics, which... made it pretty obvious what was going down. So to make up for it, we decided to jump him
Inception-style, first with his roommates at the door, then with a couple of friends in the entryway... and the remaining dozen of us hiding in his bathroom. THREE LAYERS DEEP!
And this is what I wore the next day. Everything under the sweater is kind of atrocious, but I wanted to
wear purple, and I needed at least two layers of knitwear to keep warm enough.

Clearly, my camera knew that there was an atrocity lurking underneath my sweater, so it focused on the couch instead.
Above, $$$ cardigan: delia's. Make Love Not Horcruxes t-shirt: Target + DIY. Outer sweater: hand-me-down. Floral shorts: mother's. Sheer gray tights: DKNY. Boots: Steven by Steve Madden.
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