To Jordan, I'm sorry that after seeing a black dog I said, "Look, it's Sirius Black!" since you have an aversion to all things Harry Potter, but I hope you will forgive me, and if we ever meet again, you better show me that cereal place. It's been a long time since I've had Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and you never did get to try that cereal sandwich. :D
To Somebody Half-White Wong, you are hilarious. If we meet again, I hope you're still banging on those piano keys and making politically incorrect jokes.
To Bryan, I love your clothes. Your mom's 1984 Olympics jacket, your ridiculously skinny pants, your high-tops, your white Wayfarers. Thank you for doing The Time Warp with great enthusiasm right in my face, effectively peer pressuring me into doing it with great enthusiasm right in Jordan's face as well.
To Frankie, I like your full name. It is saucy, Francisco.
To Jeevit, I swear the area surrounding Berkeley is scarier than the area surrounding UCLA. We can continue this argument in the future.
To Erica, someday you will find the thermostat.
To Sarah, who loves Threadless, I love Threadless! Best conversation starter ever. Thank you, my Napoleon in War Paint t-shirt!
To Kyle, my student adviser, you are unbelievably cool to me. I hope you can study abroad in Germany.
To Daniel, you are a cruel, cruel executioner in Hangman. With only the O and the A in "lollygag" and some incorrect letters, I would have figured it out eventually even if you hadn't said my L and Y were right. (We should have been in that part of the video entitled "Who woke up at 3 AM to get here?" for sleeping during the EAP and Getting Involved segments.) P. S. Taboo > The Office for mingling.
To the student adviser who led the Taboo game, you are awesome because you tried to describe "slash" as one of Charmander's basic moves. And "headshot" as "Does anyone play CounterStrike?"
To Sunil, you are awesome because if I had been on your team, I totally would have gotten "adrenaline" for your clue "epinephrine," and yes, rafts are yellow and inflatable. I hope we meet again so we can Taboo more. :D
To the girl from Team I who guessed Richard Gere correctly, you crack me up.
To everyone on Team II for Taboo, we own.
To Jeffrey, I saw the library!

(P. S. I know this is kind of a judgment thing, but I definitely think what people say about Berkeley's atmosphere being totally different from that of UCLA is completely true. There's basically no smog in comparison, and the student body seems far less pretentious.)
(P. P. S. I know this is kind of a judgment thing too, but where are the hot guys at Cal? Did they all go to UCLA?)
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