- That Mr. Chan and Mr. Arber pushed my B+s to As. Which means finishing senior year with two 4.0s. Soft grading, but I feel so satisfied.
- My (2 new pairs of) Forever21 skinny jeans. My first pairs of skinny jeans Evar, because the first pair of skinny jeans I ever tried on was at Levi's years ago, and they were ridiculously tight and way too long. Years later I've found jeans I'm willing to shell out for, and they're slightly stretchy. A little late on the trend, I suppose. But I remember reading some post somewhere a while ago about how skinny jeans aren't a trend. I agree. It's just another cut of denim that's going to fade in and out of trendiness over time. Like wide-leg denim. Wide-legs never really go away. My Forever21 jeans were made in Vietnam. Actually they look really weird in my opinion because there's no contrast topstitching around the waistband or pockets, but hell, they were $12.50 each.
- The Hairspray soundtrack. "Once upon a time I used to play with toys / but now I'd rather play around with teenage boys." "Once upon a time I used to dress up Ken / but now that I'm a woman, I like bigger men." "They'll never get to college / but they sure look cool." "In my ivory tower / life was just a Hostess snack / but now I've tasted chocolate / and I'm never going back."
- Royal blue with royal purple.
- Harry Potter. Because I am rereading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (surprise! It's only my second read of it), and for all its triteness and unexciting prose, it really gets to me. Books you grew up with kind of do that to you, you know.
- Walking in the park. Maybe I should try this "physical activity" thing more often, huh? It kind of eliminates the need to wear at least 4 layers all the time.
- Dark chocolate. And cheese. From Whole Foods.
Things I Love Sunday
Copying + in emulation of GalaDarling, therefore in copulation of Gala.

harry potter,
things i love
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