- hair hats via OMGowned via Spenser [like, animal sculptures... but with hair]
- Obama love via YouTube [I sense a silkscreened t-shirt in the future]
- cotton candy hat at notmartha [I know this is old, but still, if I ever get the urge to knit something non-rectangular, this'll be it]
- Stephanie of fashionrobot's back!
- my next DIY projects? (1, glittery hairclips) and (2, a paint-splattered scarf)
- brilliance from GalaDarling on dancing
- the fruit( juice)s of our labor

It's that time of year again and I'm trying to write a play for my (ex-?)theater group. I hate having a brilliant but nebulous idea that never comes into fruition (like now, with my Man Falls In Love With Shakespeare But It's A Rocky Relationship Considering Shakespeare Is Dead plot). Getting started is the hardest part, and I have no idea where to start. (I feel like failure after failure. Huzzah.)
Graduation is on Wednesday. It really hasn't hit me yet.
I hate signing yearbooks. You want to know why? It's because signing a yearbook is like admitting that No, I'm not planning on keeping in touch with you, so here's something to remember me by. So I hope no one was offended when I just wrote "Hi (name)!" Love, (my signature).
Dear Self,
You are not a failure and you never were. Get over yourself, suck it up, and move on. Go wash your hair, read Lolita, and fix the beginnings of a skirt you started yesterday. You're only seventeen, and it's already 5 PM. Don't waste your time.
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