I like John Legend's
"I Will Stay With You" Thank you Sunshine. (I wasn't sure if I was supposed to put the period to that sentence in the quotation marks or not since it seems wrong to desecrate the song title. So I left it out. Ahahaha.)

Above, left to right: my mom's boring sweater from the Esprit sample sale. Boring but at least it's purple. And cable knit. And nice quality. Okay it doesn't suck so much. Next, vest from Esprit sample sale. Next, black ruffled monstrosity from esprit sample sale. Next, incredibly tacky mock-turtleneck, my mother's. All hanging there drying. In the shower.

WHY I LOVE THIS HOUSE, my brother's old room:

ALSO why I love this house, decorations my cousin and I put up for our little cousin's first birthday... she's turning six in August which goes to show how often we clean up:

Yeah. There are cranes everywhere. Near most of the light switch plates. Because I tried to fold 1000 paper cranes before and got to like 276 (?) before I gave up and used them for mass decorating instead.
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