HUH! So somewhere along the line I hit 500 posts. What a scary thought.
So I am posting these before they become completely irrelevant.
Every year, my mom and I get new Christmas ornaments: one for her, one for me, and one for my brother. My brother used to come with us to buy them, but he's usually still in Irvine when we go now.
This year, my mom cheated and got these two in a set:

This is mine, from the Academy of Sciences:

And this photograph of my brother's tricycle is a testament to my (lack of) photography skillz:

Here is some of the stuff I wrapped:

And evidence that my Chinese handwriting looks like a kindergartener's:


The only use I have ever found for rainbow yarn:

The gifts my brother wrapped:

I thought it would be only fair to reciprocate and wrap his present in a similar manner:

Below are the shot glasses that I have no pictures of, all wrapped up in one box. I cut the top into four sections, so each of my cousins/my brother could randomly choose one section to open and, therefore, one shot glass.

A gift card is in this package under layers and layers:

And here's a progress shot of the "special occasion sweatshirt," though I have no picture of the final product:

And more snowflakes:

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