Might as well clear out my camera! I'm all about symbolic action, you know.
Here's my redic shelf, which holds a fraction - though a large one, a fraction, nonetheless - of my clothes when most of them are at home and not at school:

I don't know why I took a picture of this balloon weight anchor thing.

Victoria got me and Sunshine this Forever21 t-shirt (not that we share one shirt. I mean we each got one):

I always though it was "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," but none of the merchandise I've seen ever has them in the right order. (I'm "see no evil," by the way. Victoria's "hear no evil," which leaves Sunshine as "speak no evil.")
And my brother got me
The Tales of Beedle the Bard for Christmas. I read it today while bloated with fu cha (after going to yum cha wearing a Don't Show-cha Your Chocha skirt (is that enough cha?) and coming home and crashing on the floor for four hours). Harry Potter always makes me happy.
What Alice gave me:

Not just any mug. A
handsome mug!

RANDOM SIDE NOTE because I was Google image searching variations of "handsome men" (which somehow yielded nastier results than my other attempts), "sexiest man alive," and "hottest male celebrities," and that last search term led me to male celebrities: When I read
Twilight I kept thinking of Bella's dad as Gary Oldman in
The Dark Knight. Talk about unrealistic crossovers.
SIDE NOTE TWO: Actually, Fabio didn't show up in any of the image results. I just remembered that my cousin was making gift tags for Christmas with everyone's faces, but she couldn't find a picture of my uncle in his younger, long-haired days, so she put Fabio instead.
LAST SIDE NOTE: The Fabio picture is called "fab.JPG" on my computer.
ANYWAY, here is the real mug:

Looking innocent and unmagical:

Totally magical!

Hee-hee! I am so easily amused.
For Christmas, my brother bought all the kids between and the ages of 5 and 25 Nerf guns. Here's mine and the (extremely uncomfortable but extremely hip-looking) headphones he got me:

This is the hat Justin and Griffin got me, which I think I will wear with my white dress so I can feel like Daisy Buchanan:

Here is what my mom and I watched on Monday night:

I so love this movie. Creepymazing Heath Ledger, heroic Gary Oldman, and Christian Bale in Armani? It doesn't get much better.

Above, blazer: Lauren by Ralph Lauren via Goodwill. Scarf: fake pashmina, gift, Chinatown. Pink sweater: Target. White v-neck tee: Hanes men's. Brown cords: delia's. Socks: H&M. Flats: Steve Madden via Ross.

Wearing this blazer with a scarf like this makes me look like an old woman.

I've decided that I don't care.

The desire to wear light brown on dark brown won out.
Here's the next one:

Above, scarf: Chinatown, gift. White long sleeve: Target. Polo: American Eagle, brother's. Jeans: Forever21. Shoes: Payless.

I wore this to the YFAT thing but had a coat on the whole time. For the sake of the world, I decided to wear pants.

The hat!

I am Spider-Man.
This is what I wore to yum cha/chug fu cha/crash:

Above, beanie: military surplus store, Haight. Jacket: gift. Tie: gift. T-shirt: Threadless. White longsleeve you can't really see: Old Navy. White skirt: Community Thrift Store. Leggings: delia's. Shoes: blowfish via delia's.

This was a "tie mandatory event."

And finally, an outfit I like, because my mother bought me this dress for Christmas, and I wore it for family Christmas pictures, which won't get printed for several months, as usual:

Above, dress and belt: Jones New York (for serious), gift. Tights: DKNY. Shoes: Lauren by Ralph Lauren.

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