I was wandering round Superdrug the other day and spotted their new Accessorize cosmetics range… Not being one to jump to conclusions or anything I barely gave it a second glance before deciding it was probably all a bit crap. I’m not sure why but it struck me as cheap and tacky looking
So I was more than a tad surprised when I stumbled across a couple of reviews online and the girls had essentially said the brand was so superb they had replaced their makeup collections with the Accessorize goodies. Obviously I was sold and went to pick up a few bits n pieces
After swatching a few eye shadows I spent about an hour narrowing it down to my favourites. What with Christmas being just around the corner (say it with me now! WOOOOHOOO!!) I could only afford a few items so here they are :)
Merged Blusher (4 – diva) £5
8 grams of totally gorgeous blush for a fiver. It just doesn’t get any better than this! I’ve really enjoyed using because once it’s applied it lasts forever. The colour payoff is fab which makes it the perfect blush to apply when I’m in a rush – one little sweep over my cheeks and I’m good to go
Illusion eye shadow (21 – Iris) £4
Ok, I’m just gonna let these eye shadows speak for themselves cos they look bloody gorgeous. If you happen to be in Superdrug any time soon you definitely have to have a nosy cos I can’t imagine how anyone couldn’t like these :)

Baked due eye shadow (6 - Pick Up Line) £4

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