[EDIT: For my own clarification, my lips actually started burning when I put the lip stain on, so I tried to take it off with makeup remover. So it wasn't the makeup remover that made my lip swell up.]
So I gave up on lip stain.
To make up (makeup!) for my newfound inability to wear that deceitfully promising form of lip color, and because I was feeling very 90s, I bought the cheapest brown lipstick I could find, Wet 'n' Wild's 506B:
Some more late #reverb10 prompts after the jump.
PROMPT FOR DECEMBER 16, 2010: Friendship. How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst?
I’ve always known that friendship based on shared interests is way easier than friendship based on proximity or convenience, which is why in eighth grade, I started alienating myself from my circle of boy- and makeup-obsessed friends of five years and feeling my way into a group of nerdy self-identified otaku, musical-watchers, sci-fi novel readers, and personal website builders.
And which is why I understand how that handful of my friends who rabidly share my current interest in linguistics, fashion, style, blogging, and life beyond academic success came to be people I want to clutch close to my heart.
And which is why I have a couple of friends who completely bewilder me, because if you asked what our shared interests are, I couldn’t tell you.
So I guess what my friends have changed for me this year is my view of what friendship is supposed to be. Maybe there isn’t a “supposed to be” and there is only an “is.” Maybe it’s okay that the people I spend the most clock time with aren’t the same people I spend the most time mentally wishing well and being excited to see and whose opinions I solicit. Maybe it’s okay that friendship changes, because people change, and maybe it’s okay that life happens and falls through our fingers to reunite with the rest of the beach and be washed away with the tide, and maybe, as with everything else in life, letting go of things you cannot help anymore is better than holding on.
Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away –
Love is something if you give it away, you’ll end up having more.
It’s just like a magic penny,
Hold it tight and you won’t have any.
Lend it, spend it, and you’ll have so many they’ll roll all over the floor.
Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away –
Love is something if you give it away, you’ll end up having more.
PROMPT FOR DECEMBER 17, 2010: Lesson Learned. What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward?
Someone I once asked for advice told me that the only question I really need to ask myself about art is whether it is necessary. This year, I’ve learned that it isn’t. Of course it isn’t necessary; that’s too dramatic. Oxygen is necessary. Water and some kind of caloric intake are necessary. Shelter is usually necessary. Even some kind of social interaction is necessary, but art is not necessary.
I’ve learned that I can live without art, but I feel half-alive when I am not creating something. I’ve learned that when I’m not creating something myself, with my own hands (or metaphorical hands), I fill my mind and life with trash, with things that are easy to digest but don’t stick, the kind of things that pass through your system and give you no energy, the kind of things that aren’t sustenance, the kind of things you don’t have to chew on and break down. And that makes me apathetic and lethargic and gray.
I’ve learned that this means I should trust my gut feelings on most things, especially Big Decisions That Affect My Present And Future Happiness, Because I Understand The World And Value Certain Parts Of It One Way, And No Matter How Many Different People I Approach Seeking Advice, All I Am Really Looking For Is Someone To Confirm What I Already Think, And None Of Them Share My Story Or Worldview, So I Might As Well Figure Out What I Already Think And Act On It Instead of Waiting For Other People To Reaffirm My Suspicions.
Art isn’t necessary, but it is ideal, and what is living worth if I can only have the necessary? I might as well be dead; it’s the same amount of pain.
Never again, not by choice.
PROMPT FOR DECEMBER 18, 2010: Try. What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it?
In 2010, I wanted to have a tiny wardrobe at school. (Frivolity for the win!) I never did achieve closet enlightenment, and I’m not precisely sure why. School and life got in the way, I suppose. I did manage to sort through my clothes and remove a lot of items that were too small or too tight, so at least I culled some of my useless pieces.
Anyway, as a result of not reducing my wardrobe to two weeks’ worth of items, I noticed that certain items of clothing go under heavy rotation, regardless of whether I’m putting time and effort into my outfits or not, and they’re not always the things I expect. I also noticed that some things never go into regular rotation, and that I always go for certain colors to start off an outfit, namely gray, black, and white. My other neutrals are oatmeal/brown, light/dark blue, and light/dark pink. I use green, violet, and royal blue as accent colors. I don’t wear red, orange, or yellow. I almost never wear accessories, especially not necklaces, bracelets, or hats. I actually don’t like printed tights, nor do I like wearing lace or sheer anything. I sometimes wear scarves and rings. I use socks as accessories a lot, and I usually base my outfits around overall color schemes or prints. Plaid, floral, and novelty prints are very prominent in my wardrobe. Stripes, polka dots, and animal prints are not. Lipstick counts as an accessory.
I guess it took all of 2010 to solidify what I want out of my wardrobe. It’s starting to look like the only way to get that is by creating a uniform, or a uniform-with-variations, based around a few compatible colors/prints and a few cuts/shapes/pieces. It’s kind of exciting, actually, this whole simplification thing.
So maybe spring semester will see the unveiling of my new school uniform.
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