Know what I love? Bargain makeup brands that I can treat myself to without that guilty feeling I get after spending £15 on 1 eyeshadow!
Don’t get me wrong, I adore a lot of the high-end brands as much as the next makeup junkie but sometimes I just want something inexpensive that looks great. For me the cheapest and most reliable range at the minute has to be MUA from Superdrug. £1 per item!?!? First time I saw that I was sure I’d read the price wrong
Anywho, I wanted to share a few of my favourites and figured I may as well apply them and take some snappy snaps instead of doing swatches
Don’t get me wrong, I adore a lot of the high-end brands as much as the next makeup junkie but sometimes I just want something inexpensive that looks great. For me the cheapest and most reliable range at the minute has to be MUA from Superdrug. £1 per item!?!? First time I saw that I was sure I’d read the price wrong
Anywho, I wanted to share a few of my favourites and figured I may as well apply them and take some snappy snaps instead of doing swatches
MUA liquid liner in shade 3 £1.00
Natural Collection lash definition mascara in black £1.99
2true twist n line eye definer in white £1.95
Mini No7 Stay perfect eyeliner (free with purchase) full size costs £8.75

Do you have any favourite cheaper drugstore brands that you love as much as your more expensive goodies? ♥
Right I'm off to meet Adryen; we're going to a greasy soon cafe for some chips. Possibly not the most glamourous night out but there's a big open fire which makes the place really cosy :)
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