I have more free time this evening than usual so figured I’d finally get around to posting a ginormously massive thank you to the lovely Real Girls Beauty who was nice enough to give me a blog award like a million years ago
The whole point is to thank the person who gave you the award, link back to their blog, tell people 7 secrets/facts about yourself and then pass the award onto 10 other bloggers… I’ve found this part really hard cos I adore sooo many blogs
Firstly my 7 secrets/facts. My mind kinda went blank when I tried to think of any so these are the best I could come up with :/
1. I’m a foodie. I adore everything about food; cooking it, growing it (though not particularly successfully I might add) shopping for it, watching tv shows about it and of course, eating it :)
2. When I wear a hat – any hat – I look like a French tourist. I’m not even French!!
3. I play World of Warcraft. Yep, I know this makes me a geek. The thick-rimmed glasses add to the effect
4. My favourite music genre is metal
5. One of the only foods I don’t like eating is fish. Yet I love fishing
6. I have a slight obsession with socks. I own about 80 pairs, always wear 2 pairs at a time and change them at least twice a day
7. I have a Metallica tattoo on the back of my neck
Now to the awesome bloggers I’d like to pass this award on to! I’ve been following a lot of these girls since before I started blogging and they’re all incredibly beautiful, sweet, funny and inspirational so you should definitely check them out ♥
Anne Marie Bardot – Marisas blog to everything beauty
Beauty broadcast
Cheekys beauty blog
Miss prissypants
Nails by asami
Nicolettas beauty space
The HQ of beauty
My favourite beauty bloggers

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